Saturday, August 15, 2009

We've moved!

Well, the last two weeks have been soooo busy! We sold our house, moved, and have been on several trips! Last weekend we moved, and it was such an ordeal-we rented the biggest truck (26'), filled it totally up, Jason drove it to LR and unloaded, then drove back up the next day and we loaded it again! We had several friends come over to help us, and Jason's brother John came and helped the whole time-we could not have done it without him-Thanks sooooo much John! We owe you a steak at Sonny Williams!
Then we came back to Rogers this week-Jason had some work and Katie and I came to play for a couple of days. I helped give a baby shower for my friend Kristy on Saturday morning, and then her son Byron had his 2nd birthday Saturday night! It was at Gulley Park and it was so much fun-Katie ran and ran and climbed and went down the slide, ate a whole hotdog, cheetos, and a big orange cupcake. I'll put some pictures on when I can find my cord to connect the camera-I'm not sure where it is since we moved!
Hope every one is having a great summer!