Well, we have had an interesting couple of weeks! Katie has had pneumonia AND the stomach bug over the last two weeks! She has been such a trooper! She really only felt bad for a couple of days when she had pnuemonia, but it was awful having to take her to the doctor twice with 102-103 fever (the first time I took her she was acting fine and running around-just had 102!), having a chest xray and lab work, antibiotics for 10 days, and then when she finally felt better and started getting her appetite back, she got the stomach bug for 12 hours! At least it was a short bug and Jason & I didn't get it!
We have had so much snow/ice this year! This week it was mostly snow, so we bundled Katie up and took her outside for a few minutes to play! She loved it! We took lots of pictures and videos, so it was great! Hope everyone is doing well and having a great 2010 so far!