Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We did! Katie had so much fun-she even almost made it through the Christmas Eve service at church-she got fussy towards the end, right before the candles were lit, which actually was probably a good thing to miss. I'm not sure babies and fire are a safe combo! Christmas morning she had so many toys she didn't even know what to play with-I didn't wrap all of her presents since I would have had to unwrap them. I just laid everything out in her chair, and she had a great time! She has learned to climb up into her little chair, which is a little dangerous since she tries to stand up in it and climb over the back..she is such a little monkey! Jason got me (and himself) a new video camera, so hopefully I will be able to post more videos..I'm trying to figure it out!


Debby said...

She is such a little angel. Jason couldn't wait for her to "do stuff" so now his work is cut out for him, chasing her around the house and rescuing her when she climbs to high. Have fun!!


Kristy said...

Go Katie Go! Aunt Kristy is so impressed :)