Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas!

So pitiful!


Katie's Kitchen...open for business!

Bad hair day!

At the Christmas Eve service!

I know...I haven't blogged in awhile! I'm going to try and do better in 2010! We had a wonderful Christmas this year! Katie had so much fun this year! She has so many new toys, but I think her favorite present was her little kitchen-she has had so much fun "making" dinner for us and putting things in and out of the play microwave, oven, & refrigerator. This year was definatley more fun than last Christmas for her-last year she had no idea what was going on. This year, I still don't think she quite understands, but she knows she has new toys to play with!

Katie had her first haircut the day after Christmas! We went to a cute shop called "Pigtails & Crewcuts" and they have little cars or airplanes the kids can sit in while they get their hair cut. Katie loved the little car at first, but as soon as they started cutting her hair she started crying! It was so pitiful...but of course I took lots of pictures and recorded the whole thing! I know she will love that later on!
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Love Kroger!

Going to School!
With Mason after McKinley was born

At Kroger!

Proud Big Brother!

Sweet new Baby McKinley!

I LOVE Kroger! Walmart may be closer and more convenient....but they do NOT have the grocery carts with cars attatched to the front! Katie is awful when we go to Walmart-she won't sit in the cart or let me hold her or walk beside me...she just wants to run everywhere! But at Kroger, she sits nicely in the car and just drives it or reads a book! It is amazing...so... we are definately Kroger people now! Sorry Walmart!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


This year we just took a mini vacation to Dallas. With all of our moves this summer, we didn't want to do anything too big! So, we decided to just go down several days early for the Razorback/Texas game this year. We had such a fun week! Before we left LR we took Katie to The Little Gym and to the zoo! She loved them both! Then when we were in Dallas we went to the Dallas Aquarium, several different malls and outlets (love that Carter's!) and we saw Aunt Wendy & Uncle Mark! Katie and I didn't go to the game, but we watched it while Jason went with Uncle John and their friends Reagan & Scott. They had a great time and we even won! We had lots of fun on our mini trip and Katie did very well, except for the fact that our hotel only had a big shower (no tub) and Katie did NOT like it! So, she only got 2 baths the whole week since she would scream when we put her in the shower! I think we finally have everything settled at our new place for now, and even though it is a little crowded, we're making it work! Here are a few pics of our trip! Shark!
With Daddy being funny!

Looking at some birds!

So cute!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We've moved again!

Whew! Well, after spending about a month at my parents house, we finally moved again! Who needs to work out when you move every month! Katie loved spending time at Nana and Bapa's house, and they loved having her there (I think!). We had the upstairs suite~such a hard life! Dewey roughed it out at Chenal pet palace in his own room with a bed off of the floor and air conditioner AND a TV! I did a few home repairs for my parents (ha!) to make it worth their while for us to stay there....I replaced a blind, installed a new toilet paper holder, painted some trim, etc. I seem to be very handy! I am almost unpacked (again) and hopefully it will be awhile until we move again so we can recover. Once again, Jason's brother John helped him with all of the big stuff-we couldn't have done it without him!

We put Katie's crib up at the new place, and she is sleeping in it again! She was able to climb out of the one at my parent's house, but I think ours must be deeper or something, because she can't get out of it! Yeah! She is getting to be such a big girl-she can climb on anything (including the kitchen table) and at her 18 month check up last week she has finally moved out of the 5th percentile for weight!!! She is still small for her age at 20 lbs 11oz, but she has moved up to the 10th percentile now-woohoo! I know this may not be a big deal for everyone, but I constantly have to shovel calories into her and try to get her to eat. She eats many different kinds of food, just not a lot of each. Thank goodness for Pediasure! She's a big fan. Another thing she is a big fan of is suckers. Wow. I gave her one for the first time today (I know-why did I wait so long!?!?)when we went to the bank, and she could not stop saying "yummm" and "mmmm". It was hilarious, and I bought a whole bag of dum-dums at Walmart-maybe they will keep her occupied when we go to a store, because right now she does NOT want to sit in a cart or walk beside me and hold my hand. She just wants to run away! Not a good thing in Home Depot!

I think we may also get her haircut this month~it is finally long enough and at times she looks a little shaggy, so I think we will get a trim! I'll post some pics if we do!

This month we also went up to Fayetteville to meet The Binns' newest addition! Our good friends Kristy & Reagan and Katie's BFF Byron welcomed William Carter Binns on 9/9/09! He is so cute and was almost as big as his brother! So much fun!

I hope everyone is doing well! Sorry it has been so long since I have posted, but we have been living in boxes and I couldn't find my camera cord to post pics!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

We've moved!

Well, the last two weeks have been soooo busy! We sold our house, moved, and have been on several trips! Last weekend we moved, and it was such an ordeal-we rented the biggest truck (26'), filled it totally up, Jason drove it to LR and unloaded, then drove back up the next day and we loaded it again! We had several friends come over to help us, and Jason's brother John came and helped the whole time-we could not have done it without him-Thanks sooooo much John! We owe you a steak at Sonny Williams!
Then we came back to Rogers this week-Jason had some work and Katie and I came to play for a couple of days. I helped give a baby shower for my friend Kristy on Saturday morning, and then her son Byron had his 2nd birthday Saturday night! It was at Gulley Park and it was so much fun-Katie ran and ran and climbed and went down the slide, ate a whole hotdog, cheetos, and a big orange cupcake. I'll put some pictures on when I can find my cord to connect the camera-I'm not sure where it is since we moved!
Hope every one is having a great summer!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

These are quite possibly the cutest baby sandals EVER! I saw them at Dillards earlier this summer, but I didn't want to pay $40 for them! But this weekend they were half off and THEN another 30% off of that! So, they had 1 pair left in Katie's size and I bought them-I would have bought some for myself too if they made them in adult sizes (I checked.....they don't!) She probably won't even like wearing them, but at least there will be some cute pictures!
Who sticks their feet out of a crib at naptime???

May I take your order?

Would you like fries with that?

These are some cute pics of Katie playing with a McDonald's playhouse that is 20+ years old! My parents saved it from when we were little and Katie loves it!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Here are some new pictures and a video. It may be awhile until I update again...in case you haven't heard, we sold our house! We are very thankful that we were able to sell it in this market and actually get a good price for it! We will be moving in less than 3 weeks though-so the next few weeks may be crazy!! We are excited about being closer to my family and for the new opportunites that are ahead, but also SO sad about leaving so many friends and 2 of my siblings! We will definately miss everyone- we love NWA, our church and love our house...this is where we brought Katie home! Our plan is to definately come up to visit as much as we can...and hopefully our friends can come visit us too! Most of our friends have family in LR too, so I hope we can see them when they come to visit their families! We'll keep you updated!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Little Monkey!

Ok....guess who can climb up onto the couch and through the window into our kitchen?!?! This is definately dangerous! I had to get it on video though, and Jason was standing right over by Katie while she was climbing. She climbs on everything now-she even pulled her rocking horse over next to the end table, stood on the horse and then stepped up onto the table! I just hope we don't have any major accidents!

Our word of the week is WOW! Not just wow, but WOW! She says it a lot and it is so funny! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We got a little giraffe baby pool for Katie to swim in...she likes it, but I think she likes to take a bath more! She is also starting to say a few more things, like "ball" " more" and something that kind of sounds like "rock" when she gets on her horse or in a rocking chair. Our newest body parts to identify are toes and knees. She says "mmmmmmm" for a cow, but everything else still roars! She can make a hissing noise, so I am trying to get her to do that for a snake.

Last weekend Katie went to stay with Nana while I went to Dallas with my friend Kristy to shop! We had a great time, and the kiddos had fun with grandparents. I got a few things for myself, but mostly stuff for Katie of course! It is just way more fun to shop for her-at least her clothes don't cost that much! I wish I already knew if my sister was having a boy or a girl....I could have bought him/her a lot of new stuff! We will know soon! Yeah!

Poor Katie is also teething a lot! She still only has four teeth (that's all she has had since Christmas!!!) I think she may just have several coming in right now, so hopefully they will feel better soon! She has been waking up in the middle of the night hurting, but she usually goes back to sleep after we give her some motrin or teething tablets and rock for awhile (or bring her to our bed!)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Here is a new video....I just put together several scenes- some from when Wendy, Mark and John came to visit, and then just some other random playtimes!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Pics! Katie is getting bigger- she has now hit the 20 lb mark, so we turned her car seat around! Big deal...considering most kids her age were turned around almost 3 months ago! She now knows where her ears, mouth, nose, eyes, bellly button, hair, and knees are-we are working on more, and it usually only takes a day or two to get a new part since she is super smart! We are also trying to learn what sounds animals make, but right now everything "roars"....lions, bears, birds, pigs....everything except dogs, and she has a different sound for them. Favorite foods right now are: chicken nuggets, pears, carrots, american cheese slices, meatballs, peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches, and fudge stripe cookies. She pretty much has chicken nuggets everyday for lunch....I offer other foods most days, but if she doesn't eat whatever I gave her, I usually give her some nuggets because I know she will eat them! New activities: climbing on all of the chairs (including the office chairs so she can hit the computer buttons), running back and forth in her crib, pushing the high chair all over the kitchen, and riding in the cozy coupe! Just a little update-hope everyone is doing well!
I tend to talk all about Katie on our blog, but a little side note about me- I just made my sister Rachael some curtains! I am pretty proud of myself-they look good and she loves them-it was my first attempt with sewing to make anything big like this, and they turned out well, so who knows what I will try next! I will put some pictures up when we get them hung up!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Monkey Bars!

Ok.....this video is so funny-we went to the park the other day to play, and Jason held Katie up to the monkey bars to see what she would do, and she grabbed on and wouldn't let go! It obviously made me a little nervous, but Jason was practically holding onto her. What a little monkey!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

PBJ video

Scroll down to the bottom to see our Peanut Butter & Jelly video...so funny!!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tonight we had some pancakes..which Katie has tried before, but she likes the syrup, and that always ends up making a HUGE mess since she loves to put it in her hair and everywhere else! So, I tried making her little pancakes with the syrup already in them-I mixed the syrup and melted butter in with the batter and then cooked them-it was a great success! All the taste without the mess! Well, almost-she did still put some pancake in her hair!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Here are just some of the new things Katie is doing! She is pretty entertaining....who would have thought eating pizza, going to Walmart and watching your old year old slide was a fun Friday night??? We laugh at the funny things she does all the time. This week she can show you where her nose is, shake her head yes (which is amazing since her favorite word is NO!) and kind of say hello-it sounds more like yelo, but we get the point.

We went to the nutrionist this week since she is still small for her age (she weighed 18 lb, 1 oz on thursday). That is only the 3rd percentile- but part of her problem is that because she is so tall (75th percentile) her height-to-weight ratio is waaaay below the chart. Their advice: feed her whatever she wants and add some of the following items to her diet: sweetened condensed milk, half-and half, ice cream, whipping cream, chocolate syrup, cream cheese, peanut butter, butter, olive oil, etc. We also ordered some tasteless powder to add to her food or drinks that has 60 calories per tablespoon. They told me to add as many calories as we can, so we will see if she gains much over the next month. I wish someone would tell me to eat like that!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Video Montage!

Scroll down to the bottom of my page and check out the video I made for Katie's first year! I made one for my nephew Mason for his first 3 birthdays, but it has been a little harder to find time to make one for my own baby! Enjoy! I love it-and it was really easy to make on the website onetruewmedia.com!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Here are a couple of new videos! Katie's friend Byron came over to play the other day...they are so sweet to each other!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tubes in our Ears!

Brave girl at the hospital before surgery!

With Daddy before we left for the hospital

Today Katie had a BMT (bilateral myringotomy)...otherwise known as getting tubes in her ears. She has had about 5 ear infections over the last six months, so we have been on a lot of antibiotics! I have taken care of a ton of other babies that had this done..we do about 2-5 a day in the ambulatory care center at the hospital where I work. It is really a minor procedure...but nothing seems minor when it is MY baby! She did very well though...she cried when they took her back, and was screaming very loudly when they brought her back, but then she calmed down as soon as she got to eat! We are so proud of her-she is so brave! Hopefully we won't have to have any more procedures any time soon!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Birthday!

We had a wonderful 1st birthday Party! We had a lot of family and friends over, and Katie did a great job eating her cake! Sorry the video is so long, but it was so funny to watch her eat the cake. Her actual birthday is on tuesday, but we wanted everyone to be able to come so we had it this weekend! It even snowed, just like the day she was born...isn't that weird? Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hilarious !!

We're almost one year old and life is a bowl of cherries!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bad Hair Day!

Can we say bad hair day? Katie's hair has been wild lately! I'm not sure if it is just static or what? We have had a fun weekend....just us girls! Daddy took a trip and we missed him! I've been scrapbooking a lot this weekend after Katie has gone to bed, which I have really been needing to do! We are getting things ready for her 1st Birthday party! It is going to be next Saturday at 4:00pm, and we have lots of friends and family coming to help us celebrate!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a great Valentine's Day! Jason brought home some flowers for me, and he brought a HUGE balloon for Katie, which she loves! She has carried it around with her since he gave it to her yesterday...it is so funny!