Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We've moved again!

Whew! Well, after spending about a month at my parents house, we finally moved again! Who needs to work out when you move every month! Katie loved spending time at Nana and Bapa's house, and they loved having her there (I think!). We had the upstairs suite~such a hard life! Dewey roughed it out at Chenal pet palace in his own room with a bed off of the floor and air conditioner AND a TV! I did a few home repairs for my parents (ha!) to make it worth their while for us to stay there....I replaced a blind, installed a new toilet paper holder, painted some trim, etc. I seem to be very handy! I am almost unpacked (again) and hopefully it will be awhile until we move again so we can recover. Once again, Jason's brother John helped him with all of the big stuff-we couldn't have done it without him!

We put Katie's crib up at the new place, and she is sleeping in it again! She was able to climb out of the one at my parent's house, but I think ours must be deeper or something, because she can't get out of it! Yeah! She is getting to be such a big girl-she can climb on anything (including the kitchen table) and at her 18 month check up last week she has finally moved out of the 5th percentile for weight!!! She is still small for her age at 20 lbs 11oz, but she has moved up to the 10th percentile now-woohoo! I know this may not be a big deal for everyone, but I constantly have to shovel calories into her and try to get her to eat. She eats many different kinds of food, just not a lot of each. Thank goodness for Pediasure! She's a big fan. Another thing she is a big fan of is suckers. Wow. I gave her one for the first time today (I know-why did I wait so long!?!?)when we went to the bank, and she could not stop saying "yummm" and "mmmm". It was hilarious, and I bought a whole bag of dum-dums at Walmart-maybe they will keep her occupied when we go to a store, because right now she does NOT want to sit in a cart or walk beside me and hold my hand. She just wants to run away! Not a good thing in Home Depot!

I think we may also get her haircut this month~it is finally long enough and at times she looks a little shaggy, so I think we will get a trim! I'll post some pics if we do!

This month we also went up to Fayetteville to meet The Binns' newest addition! Our good friends Kristy & Reagan and Katie's BFF Byron welcomed William Carter Binns on 9/9/09! He is so cute and was almost as big as his brother! So much fun!

I hope everyone is doing well! Sorry it has been so long since I have posted, but we have been living in boxes and I couldn't find my camera cord to post pics!

1 comment:

Debby said...

Jenny, Katie looks so much like you in the top picture with the black hat on! So cute!